Friday, August 20, 2010

Writing Practice 56: Suggested Practice 1 - A letter to Jesus

Today, nothing new about my story idea came to me.
Somehow, I feel I need a break from that world.
However, to honor that world and to proceed with my intentions with this blog, it's important I write something.
The more I write, the better I'll be able to write my story.

For anyone who's interested - when you're working on something and you don't know where to go with it, practice writing. Practice writing for writing's sake. If you don't know how to further your story, further your skill with writing.In place of not having direction, practice being a good writer until you do - but keep writing. Don't let a lack of an idea stop you from doing your job.

I asked someone to give me an idea for something to write for practice sake.

"Write a letter to Jesus."


Dear Jesus:
My name is Desmond Turcotte.
If you're a supernatural being, I feel it's important to say that I've always believed you to be a man.
A man with great ideas. But not the son of God.
At least, no more than everyone else is - metaphorically.

I don't believe in God.
I'm undecided on whether or not there is a creator, but I'm pretty firm on thinking that there's no man with a white beard sitting on a throne in a robe absorbing every happening in the universe and influencing it.
This whole universe could have been created in the laboratory of some greater universe.
And some unfathomable scientist may have accidentally formulated it.
Under those circumstances, that scientist is the creator of this universe.
For all I know, we could be the size of an atom in a much more vast universe than this, and perhaps there are tiny universes in all the atoms we have here.

Where did it all come from?
Where did it all start?
If there's such a thing as a "primary universe", what started it all?

I don't know. I can't know. To be honest, I don't even have reason to think about it.
I'm decided that I could not possibly conceive the way things work.
I don't know, I'll never know and my brain is just too small and simple to "get it".

If I went as far as saying there MIGHT be a creator, even then I couldn't fathom any form of communication with that being. I'd never understand their intentions or begin to comprehend what, if anything, they want from me.

So, I'm going to officially address the Magic Jesus, and send this letter his way. This is on the off chance that you are magic. I'd like to ask you a few questions. 

I like your story, Jesus.
I really do. I love what you represent and I hate what's become of it.
I'm wondering...

Of what you see today....
Is that what you had hoped for? Is this the impact you wanted to have on the world?
What do you think of modern day organized religion?
Can you comment on your view of George Bush, who claimed to be a believer in you?
Is he a good Catholic, would you say?

Are people happier today than they were in your day?
Have things gotten better or worse?

Has "the average Christian" got it right?
Is Christianity working? Look into the minds and souls of your Christians.
Regardless of what they say, are they thinking and feeling the right things?
Are the generally acting accordingly when nobody's watching, behind closed doors?

Just curious.
I hope you're doing well.
Your Friend

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