Adam: I'm interested in Gravity, Richard. The four forces are gravity ,electromagnetism and the weak and strong nuclear forces. Gravity's isn't as strong as the other forces. I believe that's because we're getting these forces from another dimension or universe and gravity is squeezing through to us somehow obstructed. I also believe that black holes in our universe create other, lesser universes. And I believe that this universe was created from a black hole in a greater universe. Now, the Hubble telescope was focused on the same strip of space for one million seconds. The picture they were taking of the universe was getting clearer and clearer and they were looking back in time. They were seeing the light of this universe from back when it was young. They focused their picture to within ten thousand years of the big bang. If we can get more time on that thing, we would be able to see back to when the universe was created, and we'll be able to see exactly where it started. That's where the greater universe spit us out. At first, I wanted to find that spot and see if I could figure a way to travel back through the hole. But, if our gravity is a fraction of the gravity of the greater universe, I'd never be able to escape. Not even light can escape a black hole's gravity in this universe, so there's no way in hell I'd make it out when I hit the other side of where I figure gravity is stronger than the gravity we know. Besides, the creation point would be insanely far away and how would I get there, you know? But you've often described the universe as a balloon. And if you put a piece of tape on a balloon you can poke a needle through without having the balloon pop. I want to find a way to stick a piece of tape to the fabric of our reality and then piece through it.
Richard: At the risk of popping the balloon? Or leaving an unnatural hole in it? I'd rather not explore the potential destruction of this universe.
Adam: I thought you'd say that. What do you think about making, how do I say it? The opposite of a black hole.
Richard: Look, you're thinking too destructively. If we made an inverse black hole it would rip pieces of this universe into your theoretical greater universe. You're talking damaging the fabric of reality by piecing it like a balloon - I don't want to damage my universe. I don't want to piece it, crack it or even bruise it. The consequences are far too great.
Adam: A doorway, then. If we can open a worm hole -
Richard: We haven't mastered wormholes and we can't escape the gravity of a black hole. You've got some big problems ahead of you, here. What you seem to require to do this is far beyond what science is so far capable of.
Adam: There's a way. There's got to be a way.
Richard: What if that way hurts this universe?
Adam: Aren't you interested in know about the source? Where all of everything came from?
Richard: It's more important for me to be alive than to know.
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