Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Writing Practice 23: So, what's up with Adam?

I need to spend time with the primary idea that I already like.
I love the ambition of wanting to seek out the source universe.

For whatever reason, Adam wants to get in touch with the real world.
Well, not the real world. The first world.

Huh. Interesting. It's kind of like wanting to go back to the womb. Maybe people shouldn't revisit places that spit them out for a good reason.
Ooooo. Ominous.

I also need to spend time with Adam and relate him to the other characters.

It feels like Adam doesn't have anything truly fulfilling going on in his life.
He's a brilliant scientist but that's his role, or profession.
He's good at it, he's got that - but his life never fleshed out other things of value for him.
Richard gets a genuine satisfaction from his profession. He is fulfilled with a sense of purpose.
Adam most likely became a scientist to see if it could help him find a purpose.

Adam must feel quite lost.
He figures his purpose is to go "back".
Back to the source.
Experience the first and true universe.

So, Adam doesn't have anything.
Richard's never had anything until now.
He loves his job, it gets him by.

But he's fallen for a girl. He's got something.
Something more. Something he's never had before.
He's been awkward around women because he's only ever met the wrong women.
Now, he's found WhateverHerNameWillBe and they're getting along.

Not only that, he's a millionaire who lives in a shit-hole.
He can spend all his money on elaborate dates.
He can be romantic. He's always been romantic, it's just never comfortably manifested until now.

This is all neat, because now we have sides of an eventual conflict.

Is this research risky?
Adam would say it was worth the risk and Richard would say that it wasn't.

After set up, story starts there.
That is the essence of this story's conflict.

I see.
It's a Man+Man Vs. Nature
Then it's a Man Vs. Man
Ultimately, it'll be Man Vs Himself

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