The universe is an interest in mine.
As I've been discovering, a good idea usually comes down to how much time you spend with it.
I've spent a lot of time with the universe. I've learned about constelleations, star-based ancient cultures, black holes, quasars, quantum mechanics....
It's important to note that these are just interests. I don't understand quantum mechanics, but I'm always interested to watch documentaries about it.
Quantum Mechanics, to me, is like the Zen of science.
I say that only because it seems that masters of each category always claim that they don't understand their field. Furthermore, they say that nobody will ever understand it. It's even been said: 'If you think you understand Quantum Mechanics, you don't understand Quantum Mechanics.
A favorite Zen story of mine has a student of Zen going up to his master and saying: "All this Zen stuff makes no sense and it's absolutely fucking ridiculous."
The Zen master replied: "Wow! You're a Zen master!"
There's a lot about science I like to write about and a lot that I've found to be interesting. I certainly want Richard to touch on the most interesting points of my science-travels. There's a lot of cool things about the universe I'd like to discuss. That's something I'd like to write.
But I'm not smart enough about it to write a textbook on it, so I've gotta be creative in how Richard represents his intelligence on the subject. I can't have him writing formulas, because I can't write formulas, but I can have him sharing his opinions. I can do that creatively.
However, I've got to make Richard his own person. Whatever I display through Richard has got to filter through his optimism and manfiest itself in a "Richard" sort of way.
I'll have to be careful not to make Richard too much like myself. At the same time, that's impossible.
So, I should throw out things about the universe that I find interesting, and then have Richard discuss what he finds interesting about the subjects I'm throwing out.
I pick the subject matter and it's Richard who's got to find his own interesting part to talk about.
He's famous. He's a celebrity.
He's absolutely got to be involved in debates.
Representing the scientific world with such celebrity, religious leaders will want to debate him greatly.
I've got to write a few transcripts on things Richard had said on tv during his debates.
"I'm not saying there isn't a creator. I'm saying that I've found no evidence of a creator so far. I don't disregard the idea. There are concepts in this universe we'll not be able to recognize or comprehend for a very long time.
I have to say, and this is very important, that the human race needs to continuously keep updating our findings. New should be constantly replacing old, but we seem to have latched onto an old idea a little too much.
The idea of God came from a time when we were very, very young and making assumptions about how things worked. We had no information but we needed some explanations and we made some up.
You know, some cultures used to think that a godess would come and turn the world to ice each year, this was how they understood winter. They assumed the entire world froze as a result of the power of the godess. And they thought this simply because they didn't know the world was round, hadn't seen the other side of it and didn't realize that when it was night time in one place it was day time in another.
Information. Understanding the truth of this universe is information. And if we don't keep updating it we won't be moving ahead with the world as quickly and as fluently as we should be."
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