Monday, August 9, 2010

Writing Practice 4: Life Practice

If I can get writing to evolve me in more than one way, I'll be more inspired to write.

I like to write. Selfishly, I'm inspired to write when my writing is good.
Unfortunately, for lazy people like me, there's work involved in getting better.
If I'm gonna be good, I'm gonna have to try. If I don't try, I won't be good and I won't be inspired to write cause everything I write won't be good.
So, I'll have to try to inspire myself to work in order to write.

Write what you know. That's what they always say. Write what you know.
I can do better than that.
Write what you want to know, then learn it so you can write it.

If I know I'm interested in certain things, I should learn more about them.
If I know a lot about a thing, it'll be easier to write.
If I'm writing about something I'm interested in, I'll be inspired to keep writing.

In my last entry, I created Richard and got to know him a little bit.
He's a scientist of the stars who loves balloons.
How am I going to fit him into a story?

Well, I better learn a few things about the stars before I do that.
If Richard is good at what he does, I have to know about what he does. 

I went researching cosmology and found an article where a scientist suggests that black holes are spawning alternate universes. Furthermore, THIS universe was created by another universe's black hole.

I also found a documentary about a guy who reserved time on the Hubble space telescope. He focused it on a single chunk of outer space and let the images get more and more clear as time went on. I believe he got one million seconds of photography on the same area of space, and got to more or less see back in time to when the universe was young. Light takes a long time to travel, he was looking at the light from another, younger time.

Hubble's a neat guy, so my research tells me. We had no idea that the stars in the night sky were outside of our own galaxy until that telescope went up. We had no idea how big this universe was.

And what's cool is that all the stars, everywhere, are moving away from each other as this universe expands.

As a matter of fact, if you blow some air into a balloon and draw some stars on it, then, continue to blow up the balloon, you'll get to watch all the stars on the balloon move away from each other, just like is happening in this universe.

Richard would think that was SO neat.

So, obviously, there's going to be a scientist who supports the theory of alternate black hole universes who gets in touch with Richard. See, Richard, in his love of balloons, always included them in scientific research and demonstration. So, when this other scientist, let's call him Adam, discovers that this universe is from the black hole of another universe - he's going to enlist Richard's help. After all, universes pop out of black holes like balloons being inflated.

They both invest in renting the Hubble telescope for two-million seconds, and trace the big bang down to a single source point.
That is where the larger universe spit our universe out.

Adam and Richard will go on a quest, following a series of ballooning black holes back to the SOURCE universe - the universe that started it all.

So, what just happened?

1) I invented Richard, spent some time with him like spending time with a friend and, like a friend, I got to know him.
2) I researched science, since Richard was a scientist, and learned more about it.
3) Knowing Richard, in my research, I found things that would interest and relate to him. 
4) Research inspired ideas.
5) I now have a good story base AND I know more about the universe.

I'm a better writer and a more educated man.
Writing just helped me be more than a writer.

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