I'm thinking about them.
I've spent some time with them.
I'm staring to really like them.
How crafty is this girl I've created?
Why is she working with Richard?
What's Richard working on that needs a "Team?"
At least - what laboratory is he in? What are they doing?
He's famous, right?
He's working on something.
He's leading a project.
And something about his project in particular has attracted Adam's attention.
I'll get back to that.
This girl, this SHE, whatever her name is....
What made her go from biology to cosmology?
Was is Richard?
He's famous.
Did he do an experiment? Some kind of demonstration that was broadcast around the world?
Did he say something during a lecture?
Is he famous for his point of view?
Maybe she saw him give a talk about cosmology.
Maybe she read a transcript in a newspaper.
Maybe the way he talked about physics was somehow enlightening to her.
Maybe it was beautiful.
Maybe what he said was simply so mind-blowing that he seemed like a new Einstein to have said it.
Maybe Richard is destined to be the last chapter in the history of this universe.
He might pull an Oppenheimer and aid Adam to a devastating degree.
Maybe she sees his potential, and his collaboration with Adam will be the worst possible manifestation of his potential.
Maybe whatever she was interested in in the first place simply naturally gravitated her toward Richard and his interests.
Maybe he said something enlightening in the now famous: "Rung Around Uranus" article and she followed his career from there.
There's a lot to think about here.
The evolution of a good idea is reliant on questions.
Is any of this any good?
Who cares.
You're practicing, remember?
All of this will somehow evolve into something that proves your time was worth spending on it.
Even if the idea goes nowhere, you've been writing your brainstorm.
You're practicing writing.
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