Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Writing Practice 10: Messing with Richard

If Richard's workmates like Richard's joke, Richard might get it in his head that he's a sort of lab comedian. He wouldn't overplay it, he's not cocky or egotistical - I figure Richard has a Santa kind of kindness to him. He's not fat, he's more like Freud, but overall he's jolly and warm.

He'd be happy that others were happy, and if his joke was what did it he'd probably go find another.

So, that's exactly what he did. 

Why do chemists like Nitrates so much?
Because they're so much cheaper than day rates.

I'll say this much, Richard is no good with women.
In fact, they make him nervous.
He looked like an ass the day he told an attractive female coworker his joke.
He nervously tripped over the punch line and said "Date Rapes" instead of "Day Rates"

She has since avoided eye contact with Richard.
She's a new character. What is her name?

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